Sunday, November 10, 2013


Saro (hello) my dear friends,

I have missed you all!

All is well here, there is much work for me to be done. I will post a detailed update soon. For now I will share a few photos, worth a thousand words.
The view from my hotel window. I can't complain.

Sharon Daly is greeting patients at the Sodo Mossy Foot International (MFI) clinic. 

Bakale Bafe, an orphan who is receiving treatment at an MFI clinic. It was evident how painful it was for him to walk because of the podoconiosis (mossy foot). Please pray for Bakale. He was all smiles once the photo was taken.

Children run and play with shoes on their feet, but many children do not have any shoes even for long distance walks.

A woman is walking away from the market carrying a load on her back. Notice that she isn't wearing any shoes.

Mossy Foot International's mission is to "provide Mossy Foot patients with life-changing resources through medical treatment, prevention, education, vocational training, and a message of eternal hope."

Please pray for Mossy Foot International. Also please continue praying that God gives me wisdom in the work that I will be doing, as well as physical health (so far so good). Thank you!

